Modbus Controllers.

Modbus Controllers.
Datexel has a range of Modbus controllers, RTU Masters, Slaves, Data Loggers, and Modbus remote displays. The DAT9000 is a Modbus Master RTU with RS485, RS232, and Ethernet Interfaces. The DAT9000IO is similar to the DAT9000 Modbus controller but it has digital input and outputs. The DAT9000DL has an additional Data Logging facility and the DAT9000DLIO has both Data Logging and digital IO.
The DAT9011 is a Modbus Master with 2 analog inputs which can choose from Thermocouple's, RTD's, Potentiometers, mA and mV's. It also has 2 outputs which can be mA or voltage. The DAT9011 can also accept digital inputs and provide 2 SPDT relay outputs. The DAT9011DL is a Modbus data logger which can store up to 8gb of readings on a thumb drive. The unit can log internal and external registers on the Modbus network. Both the DAT9000 and the DAT9011 can be programmed by the Ethernet port and DAT9000 software development package provided by DATEXEL free of charge from the Datexel download web page.
MODBUS RTU Masters and Slaves DAT9000 Series with digital IO and Data Logging. DAT9011 has Analog IO and DAT9550 is a Remote Modbus Display.
Modbus Data Logger with Digital IO

Buy online $466
Modbus Data Logger with Digital IO

Input 4 Digital Inputs
Output 2 Relays, RS232, RS485, Modbus TCP and Logging.

DAT9000DLIO DatasheetDAT9000USBIO PDF Datasheet
Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO

Buy online $431
Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO

Input V, I, RTD, T/C's, 2 Digital.
Output 2 x 4-20mA, 2 x Relays

DAT9011 Datasheet
Modbus Controller and Data Logger

Buy online $554
Modbus Data Logger

Input V, I, RTD, T/C's, 2 Digital.
Output 2 x 4-20mA, 2 x Relays

DAT9011DL Datasheet DAT9011USB PDF Datasheet
Modbus Master/Slave Remote Display

Buy online $257
Modbus Remote Display

Input Modbus RS485, RS232,
Output 132 X 32 Pixels with back light.

DAT9550 Datasheet