Modbus Relay Output and Digital Input Module


DAT3130 Modbus Relay Output Module.
Modbus 4 Relay Output Module, Digital input slave, DAT3130.
• UL, CSA, CE.
• Modbus RTU Slave.
• 4 Digital Inputs.
• 4 Relay Outputs.
• RS485 Communication.
• Isolation.
General Description

The Modbus Relay Output Module DAT3130 has 4 Relay outputs and 4 Digital inputs. The DAT3130 inputs and outputs are monitored and controlled by Modbus communication. The DAT3130 IO is isolated from the Modbus and the power supply. Two of the relay outputs are Single pole double throw and the other two are single pole single throw and are normally open type relays.

Modbus RTU 4 Relays Power Supply Voltage 18-30Vdc
4 Digital Inputs Reverse polarity protection 60Vdc
120 mA Max. PC Programmable Between Input/Comms/Power Supply 1500Vac.
For Industrial environments Material self-extinguishing Operating Temperature 14°F +140°F -10°C +60°C
Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Dimensions W x H x T 4" x 4 3/4" x 3/4" Storage Temperature -40°F +185°F-40°C +85°C
Emission EN 6100-6-4 100 x 120x x 22.5 mm Humidity (non condensing) 0-90%
Weight 3 oz 900 g

2 SPDT Relays 2 Amp 250 VAC, 2 Amp 30Vdc.
2 SPST Relays 2 Amp 250 VAC, 2 Amp 30Vdc.
Modbus RS485
Digital Input  Off State 0-3 V, On State 10-30V.
Communication: RS485 Modbus.
Power Supply: 18 - 30 Vdc. Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc.
Current Consumption: 30 mA.
Temperature rating: Operative Temperature -4°F +140°F -20°C +60°C
Storage Temperature -40°F +185°F -40°C +85°C.
Humidity: (not condensing) 0-90%.
Housing: Material self-extinguishing.
Dimensions: W x L x H 3 3/4X 3 1/2 X 1 7/8 inch, 90 x 74 x 48mm.
Weight: 7 oz 200 g.
EMC. For industrial environments.
Immunity: EN 61000-6-2.
Emission: EN 61000-6-4.
Isolation: Between Modbus Master, Slave/Power supply 1500Vac, 50Hz, 1 Minute.
Configuration: PC Configurable.

DAT3130 Wiring Diagram

Relay Output 0 Common 1 Normally open 2 Normally closed 3
Relay Output 1 Common 4 Normally open 5 Normally closed 6
Relay Output 2 Common 7 Normally open 8
Relay Output 3 Common 9 Normally open 10
Digital Input 0 Common 16 Input 12
Digital Input 1 Common 16 Input 13
Digital Input 2 Common 16 Input 14
Digital Input 3 Common 16 Input 15
Power Supply (18-30Vdc). Positive J Negative I.
RS 485 Slave Positive (D+)B Negative (D-) A GND C
Init Pin D Init Gnd C
Modbus 4 Relay Output Module and 4 Digital input slave wiring Diagram.
Back to General Description
Application Note. Modbus RTU Slave with Digital Input and Relay Output DAT3130.
Printed Version

Set Up the DAT3130.

  1. Connect 24 Vdc to Positive J and Negative to I.
  2. Connect RS485 to A (D-) and B (D+).
  3. To check the Digital Input connect 24Vdc across IN0 and COM for channel 0.
  4. Connect a Multimeter to measure the resistance across the Common and Normal Open Contact on Relay 0. Terminal 1 and 2.
  5. If the communication parameters are unknown, short out the INIT connections C and D.
  6. Power up the DAT3130 Modbus RTU Slave.
It is advisable to use the DAT3580 to connect the DAT3130 to the PC. The advantage of using the DAT3580 is that it will isolate your PC from the DAT3130. The DAT3580 options are USB, Ethernet and RS232. If the DAT3580USB version is used, install the USB drivers. If the DAT3580MBTCP or the DAT3580GW are used, make sure the Ethernet parameters are compatible with the net and transmission of data over port 502 is allowed.
Set Up the DAT3130.

Set Up PC.

  1. Download the 3000-10000 Software from download page.
  2. Close all other software.
  3. UnZIP the Modbus_3000_10000_setup software.
  4. Run the 3000-10000 software.
  5. To start the software click the English version.
Start page for the Modbus 3000-10000 software.

Selecting the Modbus Digital Input Relay Output Module.

  1. The green light only indicates the port is open. Even if the settings are incorrect the light will turn green.
  2. Select Model and the drop down navigation will appear.
  3. Select DAT3130.
Selecting the Modbus Digital Input Relay Output Module.

Setting the Address of the DAT3130 Modbus Slave.

  1. Change the Address to connect to 1 or what is written on the label.
  2. Click "Read data" (Single poll).
  3. The screen should now display the below screen.
  4. If there is a function error, no CRC match, check Baud rate, RS485 connection or Modbus Slave Address.
  5. This needs to be fixed before further progress. If you have not used the INIT on terminals C and D, it is highly recommended that you do now. Then return to Communication set up and set the settings to 9600bps, RTU, Data Bit 8, Stop Bit1, Parity None.
  6. This will always be the correct setting unless it differs on the label.
  7. The Comm settings in the red box are the settings without the INIT connect.
  8. Should you need to change the Comms setting you can do, but they only take effect when the INIT short has been removed and power recycled.
Selecting the Modbus Digital Input Relay Output Module.

Checking the relay output operation of the DAT3130 Modbus RTU.

  1. Measure the resistance across relay output terminals 1 and 2. It should be open circuit.
  2. Click the 0 tab inside the box next to the Digital Output label.
  3. You should be able to hear the relay operation and measure the low resistance across the Modbus relay output Slave terminals 1 and 2, relay out 0.
Driving the relay output on a Modbus Slave

Digital input DAT3130 Modbus Slave.

  1. Connect 24Vdc to the Input terminals 18 and 19.
  2. Click Continue read.
  3. The channel 0 box under the Digital Input should change state to red.
  4. Remove the 24 Vdc and the box should return to gray.
Monitoring a digital input on a Modbus Slave

The actual Address of the DAT3130 connected.
Baud rate
The actual baud rate of the DAT3130 connected.
The actual parity mode of the DAT3130 connected.
The actual number of bit selection of the DAT3130 connected.
The actual Modbus modality (RTU or ASCII) set for the DAT3130 connected
The string read from the DAT3130 of 4 ASCII characters used to name it example DAT3130.
FW Version
The firmware version read from the DAT3130.
WTD (x0.5)
The watchdog time read from the DAT3130 is in steps of 0.5 seconds.
Delay (x1 ms)
The delay time between the reception of a query and transmission of the response. Expressed as steps of 1 millisecond.
Button Wdt_en
Indicates if the bit to enable the watchdog time of the device has been set: red indicates the bit is set, grey indicates the bit is not set.
Button Wdt_ev
Indicates if the watchdog timer event is occurred: red if the event occurs, grey if the event has not occurred. This condition is also signaled by the blinking of the led “PWR” of the device and the safe state of the digital outputs.
Button Pup_ev
Indicates if the Power up event has occurred: red if the event has occurred, grey if the event has not occurred. This condition is also signaled by the power-up state of the digital outputs.

DAT3130 Custom products

What is a DAT 3130 41116?
The DAT3130 41116 has a communication port set up as stop bits = 2, Parity = None and Number of Bits = 8.