Modbus RTU Input, Output Modules

The DAT10000 series of Modbus RTU IO Modules.
Modbus RTU Input, Output Modules DAT10000 Series
4 channel RTD input to Modbus RTU DAT10014

Buy online $277
4 channel RTD input to Modbus RTU DAT10014

Input RTD, Pots, Res.
Output Modbus RTU/ASCII RS485.

DAT10014 Datasheet
4 Channel Current and Voltage to Modbus RTU

Buy online $268
4 Channel Current and Voltage to Modbus RTU

Input Current and Voltage.
Output Modbus RTU/ASCII RS485.

DAT10015 Datasheet
4 Channel Thermocouple to Modbus RTU

Buy online $259
4 Channel Thermocouple to Modbus RTU

Input Thermocouple, mV.
Output Modbus RTU/ASCII RS485.

DAT10016 Datasheet
8 Channel Thermocouple to Modbus RTU DAT10018

Buy online $303
8 Channel Thermocouple to Modbus RTU DAT10018

Input Thermocouple, mV.
Output Modbus RTU/ASCII RS485.

DAT10018 Datasheet

8 Channel RTD to Modbus RTU DAT10019

Buy online $303
8 Channel RTD to Modbus RTU DAT10019

Input RTD, Resistance.
Output Modbus RTU/ASCII RS485.

DAT10019 Datasheet
16 Digital Inputs on Modbus RTU"

Buy online $251
16 Digital Inputs on Modbus RTU

Input 16 Digital
Output Modbus RTU/ASCII RS485.

DAT10148 Datasheet

The DAT10014, Modbus RTU 4 Channel input selectable from RTD, Resistance or Potentiometer.
The DAT10015, Modbus RTU 4 Channel input selectable from Curent mA or Voltage.
The DAT10016, Modbus RTU 4 Channel input selectable from Thermocouple or mV
The DAT10017-I, Modbus RTU 8 Channel input Current mA.
The DAT10017-V, Modbus RTU 8 Channel input Voltage
The DAT10018, Modbus RTU 8 Channel input selectable from Thermocouple or mV
The DAT10019, Modbus RTU 8 Channel input selectable from 2 Wire RTD, Resistance and Potentiometer.
The DAT10024, Modbus RTU 4 Channel Output selectable from Current mA or Voltage.
The DAT10130, Modbus RTU with 4 Relay SPDT and 8 Digital Inputs.
The DAT10148, Modbus RTU with 16 Digital Inputs.
The DAT10188, Modbus RTU with 8 Digital Input and 8 Digital outputs.